Soluciones y kits

MP5™ Online Chlorine Analyzer with Remote Telemetry Solution


Good for outer-grid deployments, remote reservoir monitoring, or any installation that might typically require a crew rollout for sampling, the Remote Telemetry Kit (RTK) allows operators to build their own remote monitoring solution by adding any MP5™  to a board-mounted remote telemetry unit which is powered by swappable 12VDC battery. 

Operators can combine any MP5™ model (wet-tap, PVC Tee, flow-cell, or immersion) to a cellular telemetry option and power both by means of the included battery. The sensor generates its own flow, is self-cleaning, automatically compensates for pH, and both the sensor and its connection cable are certified for NSF-61 use. 

Unique Features

  • 5 Parameters in a single online near-time analyzer
    • Cloro libre
    • pH
    • Temperatura
    • Conductividad
    • Rapid Response ORP™*
  • Self-cleaning & low maintenance
  • Sin membranas ni electrolitos
  • NSF-61: No waste stream required
  • Factory calibrated, drift resistant
  • Flexible deployment types: directly into a wet tap valve, PVC tees, side stream, or submerged
  • 24 VDC or 90 to 240 VAC operation

Why Use the MP5™ for Remote Monitoring?

Medición independiente del caudal 

The sensor is unaffected by flow velocity changes from 0 to 4 m/s. An integrated pump that utilizes a long-lasting, brushless motor delivers a fixed velocity across the electrodes, creating flow independence in any installation. The high-velocity flow across the electrodes improves sensitivity and lowers the Signal to Noise Ratio.

SensiCLĒNE™ Patented Self-Cleaning Technology

A patented electrochemical cleaning method called SensiCLĒNE™  resists polarization and adsorption of organics.  Cleaning beads continuously abrade the sensor. This keeps the electrode surfaces, including the pH sensor, free from buildup, scaling, and biofouling. Solid metal electrodes last the life of the system. 

These features combine to enable very long intervals between calibration.  

No Waste Stream

Because the sensor is approved for NSF-61 usage, it can be installed as a side-stream unit, directly in a pipe, or submerged in a tank with no required waste stream. 

Easy to Monitor

While the cellular telemetry option will cache and report on programmed intervals, an optional local display controller is available for viewing parameters, troubleshooting and calibration of up to 5 separate MP5™ units.

Ease of Service

A Wet Tap installation method enables direct insertion into a distribution pipe. The highly integrated design reduces the electronics cost and size, while increasing reliability.

Manuals for Drinking Water & Wastewater Applications

Installation Manual

D20 Display/Controller & Sensor for use in Drinking Water and Wastewater applications.

Operating Manual

MP5 Online Chlorine Analyzer Manual (2024.06.12-v4.02) for use in Drinking Water and Wastewater applications.

Installation Manual

Installation Manual for MP5™ D-H1WT-P chlorine analyzer in Wet Tap deployment with remover tool  

Installation Manual

Download the Wear Parts Replacement manual for the SensiCLĒNE™ self-cleaning technology in MP5™ Analyzers

Monitor 5 parameters directly in drinking water pipes at flows from 0- 4m/s & up to 10 bar/150 psi. A retractor/removal tool is available (pictured at left). Wet Tap (or Hot Tap) housing can be deployed as a retractable NSF-61 in-pipe Chlorine analyzer.

The mid-flange housing (H1MF-P) and the associated 2″ adapter sleeve and collar kit make for an easy sidestream NSF-61 PVC Tee deploymentThis configuration fits an OTS 2” PVC Tee and requires a  threaded adapter (PT-01). 

The low-flange model (H1LF-P) adapts for side-stream monitoring to replace an existing control-board-mounted sensor or can be submerged in a clearwell. Submersible deployments use a standard 1” PVC Boom Mount. Flow Cell optional. 


Kit with flow-cell deployment (MKIT) and display controller along with a wall mounting plate,  provides a drop-in upfit sensor replacement.

More Information

Battery power and remote telemetry for an MP5™ deployment. Use for outer grid monitoring, dead-ends, or other remote implementations.

More Information

Leverage the dependability and low maintenance of the MP5™ for remote tank monitoring with battery power and remote telemetry.

More Information

Retractable remover kit for MP5™ wet-tap analyzer (H1WT-P) in water pipes allows for maintenance without interrupting flows.

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This deployment uses a water-proofed low-flange MP5™ (H1LF-P), a sourced boom and harness, or can simply be placed in a tank or trough.

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Combine a mid-flange MP5™ (H1MF-P) with an adapter sleeve—in PVC or Stainless steel—sized for deployments in a 2″ PVC tee.

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Fits low-flange MP5™ (H1LF-P) and adapts for side stream and control board usage based on which flow cell type  is ordered. 

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Both 24V DC (DC20-L) and 120-240V AC (DC20-H) versions feature (4) 4-20 mA analog outputs, and an M-12 Connector, 3 relays, SD card. 

More Information

Halogen Systems Inc's Chlorine Analyzers and Controller

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