Comparación de analizadores de cloro - MP5™ vs. Hach CL10

Halogen MP5 More Accurate Than Hach CL10 – San Jose Water The Report Details Background San Jose Water (SJW) required an accurate, low-maintenance sensor for continuous chlorine monitoring. The existing equipment required constant calibration and maintenance, and it suffered deviation at low residual concentrations. Operators decided to trial the Halogen MP5™ against the Hach CLT-10. For the test, SJW deployed a Halogen MP5™ and a Hach CLT10 in a 2.37

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MP5™ Success Story – Orange County Florida

Successful Remote Monitoring Test Using Cellular Telemetry Option PILOT PROGRAM: ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA (OCFL) The Orange County Utilities water system provides reliable service to a growing number of customers in Orange County. In 2021, the utility’s four regional water facilities and eight remote facilities produced 24.2 billion gallons of water for its 451-square-mile service area. In August of that year, they began a pilot program for the Halogen MP5. Preliminary

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