Sensor de cloro de flujo lateral para agua de lastre

Riviera News - El subcomité GESAMP de la OMI acepta el sensor sin reactivos

See the press release: Halogen amperometric total residual oxidants sensor is accepted by IMO’s GESAMP subcommittee as equivalent to the traditional DPD test. In the article, Halogen Systems president Michael Silveri is quoted as saying, “This makes the change from a DPD instrument to Halogen’s amperometric sensor straightforward. While case-by-case is required by the approval authority, repeating the initial type-approval testing is not required. With our new side stream system,

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Artículo de H2O Global News sobre el sensor de cloro de Halogen Systems con homologación NSF 61

Revista H2O GLobal Post

One Sensor Saves 69,000 Gallons Per Year An excellent overview from H2O Global News details how Halogen’s MP5™ sensor for drinking water saves 69,000 gallons of treated water per year per sensor. These savings gives incredible benefits to operators in areas under water restrictions. The article has a short background on the development of both the amperometric sensor and the patented self-cleaning system Halogen created to reduce required maintenance to a

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Artículo de WE&T: Explicación de los sensores amperométricos

Get educated in the Amperometric Sensor Technology innovation. Learn about the different styles and their relative advantages in a Feature Article of WEF’s (Water Environment Technology) journal in the March 2022 Issue. In this informative feature, Michael Silveri, founder of Halogen Systems Inc. (HSI), explains the technology and how operators use it to save money, time, and water while gaining accuracy and longevity. WEF has kindly allowed us to share

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La Organización Marítima Internacional (OMI) aprueba nuestro sensor TRO para aguas de lastre como equivalente al DPD

IMO now considers Halogen Systems Inc. Amperometric Chlorine Sensor as an equivalent to DPD on Ballast Water Treatment Systems We have huge news for Halogen Systems Inc. Ballast Water Management System manufacturers can now substitute Halogen amperometric sensors without repeating the complete FA testing. Contact your IL for details. We thank RWO GmbH and the GESAMP Ballast Water Working Group members for their efforts on our behalf. Both US Coast

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Grandes noticias para BWMS

Major news BWMS this week!  Halogen Systems along with a major name in the industry is the first to be granted Type Approval under the substitution Policy Letter No. 03-20. We are excited because no additional Type Approval testing is required to proceed with the implementation process. Meaning BWMS manufacturers can now switch from inline DPD instruments to Halogen’s TRO sensor without further testing. Congratulations are in order to the whole

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Enhorabuena RWO GMBH

Enhorabuena al equipo de RWO GMBH por la reciente aprobación de tipo de la USCG con el sensor TRO de Halogen. También es una buena noticia para sus clientes. El sensor TRO de Halogen no requiere reactivos ni la instalación de líneas de agua, necesita mucho menos mantenimiento y ofrece un menor coste de propiedad. DNV-GL ha determinado que el sensor amperométrico Halógeno es equivalente a los instrumentos DPD en aplicaciones de lastre y deslastrado.

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Equivalente a la certificación NSF 61

Halogen’s Drinking Water Sensor, the MP5™, is now the only chlorine sensor awarded NSF 61 certification for installation directly in a drinking water line. The MP5™ is a compact sensor that measures free chlorine, pH, Conductivity, and Temperature. No waste stream is required saving tens of thousands of gallons of water per sensor per year. The MP5™ does not use any membrane, reagent, or electrolytes, reducing operating costs and maintenance

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Actualización de la certificación del sistema de gestión de aguas residuales del sensor TRO de Halogen Systems:

Halogen BWMS Certification Updates: In addition to DNV-GL Type Approval, Halogen’s TRO™ amperometric sensor now has Korean Register Type Approval (KRS). The *US Coast Guard * (USCG) also recently approved Halogen’s sensor for substitution for online DPD instruments without requiring additional TA testing. BWMS can now reduce operating costs and lower maintenance with this attractive alternative to DPD systems. OES PL 03-20 BWMS Alternate Components 10.14.2020  

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Artículo del Tahoe Daily Tribune sobre Halogen Systems Inc.

Hemos trabajado duro para que se reconozca que nuestros productos tienen un impacto significativo en el ahorro de agua para las instalaciones municipales de agua y las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Recientemente, nuestro logro apareció en el Tahoe Daily Tribune. Consulte el artículo aquí.  

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