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MP5™ Amperometric Chlorine Sensor Applications for Wastewater

The MP5™ Amperometric Sensor: 5 Parameters, One Unit, Near-Zero Maintenance.
The Halogen MP5™ online analyzer allows for flexible installation options and near-zero maintenance while providing analysis of free chlorine, pH, temperature, conductivity, and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). Whether upfitting an older installation or designing a system from scratch, the MP5™ makes a good fit in a Wastewater testing workflow.
Based on technology developed for testing Ballast Water Management Systems in Ocean-going Shipping Vessels, the MP5™ is well suited for the difficult environments of Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation. With no membranes or reagents to replace and renowned for holding calibration for a full three months or more, the MP5™ reduces the typical operator headaches and saves maintenance costs and manpower requirements.
The Halogen® MP5™ Chlorine Sensor for Wastewater Testing

No more Membranes & Reagents
Forget (for a moment) how much your plant spends yearly on membranes and reagents, just take a quick second to calculate your maintenance cost in man-hours spent calibrating old-technology sensors. The 3 electrode amperometric sensor in the MP5™ can take that time to near zero.

Factory Calibration that lasts
A recent Wastewater Reclamation Plant client tells us their previous workflow involved calibrating their old-technology membrane sensors once per shift, three times per 24hr day, but their MP5™ sensor had not required calibration for the 3-month trial they conducted. Stability defined.

Like Nothing Else
The Halogen MP5™ measures 5 parameters in one online unit, plus it is self-cleaning, needs no reagent or membrane, and is completely flow-independent. It can be installed in a pressurized pipe, suspended in a trough, or dropped in a tank. Even dry-out isn’t a problem.
The MP5™ ROI Calculation: Lower Operating Cost + Minimal Maintenance

Old-Technology Sensors Are Costing You
Between flow-control plumbing, consumables, and time spent on maintenance and calibration, much of your plant’s running budget is taken up in making sure your testing workflow is up and running. Halogen’s MP5™ can help you get your workflow working for you. (more)

The MP5™ takes running costs to near zero
The advanced tech in the MP5 means there are no reagents to buy, no membranes to swap, and a calibration that can last 3 months or more means your maintenance team can spend their man-hours on other projects you’ve been putting off since you won’t be burning time on constant upkeep. (more)

MP5™ Brochure
Amperometric Sensors Combined With Patented Technology to Modernize Your Testing

Add Accuracy & Simplicity. Lower Your Maintenance Costs
Your plant probably knows exactly how much money gets spent on membranes, reagent and electolyte. What might be less clear is how much time your maintenance team spends on maintenance and subsequent calibrations on your existing sensors. Here’s the new standard for time spent: The MP5™ arrives factory calibrated and stabilizes within 5 minutes of installation. It needs no membranes or reagents, and no monthly maintenance. Calibrations last 3 months or more. What would that simplicity do for your workflow? (Compare to a typical DPD sensor)

Wastewater Pilots are Ongoing
Multiple regions are running pilot programs using the MP5 and we are excited by their feedback. Even in this challenging environment, the MP5 excels and we continue to iterate based on their feedback. If you’d like to join in with your own pilot program reach our to your local rep today, or just contact us directly.
The MP5™ Can Handle Tough Environments Because the Technology Was Created For Even Tougher Environments
With patented tech created to solve the environmental impact issues dogging the maritime shipping industry, Halogen has created a solution that solves problems many wastewater plant operators had written off as “the way things are”.The Halogen MP5™ is designed to let those same operators work within a new paradigm. What could your plant’s team do with found-money maintenance budgets and freed-up manpower? We’d say you just found a way to pay for the infrastructure the budget limits previously put out of reach.