- Centro informazioniHalogen SensiCLĒNE™ L'MP5™ è stato creato con calibrazioni stabili e manutenzione ridotta come requisiti prioritari. A tal fine,...Real Talk about "Continuous Monitoring" Chlorine Analyzer claims Some manufacturers of online chlorine analyzers are making bold claims...
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- ProdottiHalogen SensiCLĒNE™ L'MP5™ è stato creato con calibrazioni stabili e...Parlare realmente delle affermazioni sugli analizzatori di cloro a "monitoraggio continuo" Alcuni produttori...
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Monitoraggio online della qualità dell'acqua (OWQM) su cui contare
The Halogen Systems MP5™ Online Chlorine Analyzer Brings Accurate Readings, Stable Calibrations, and Low Maintenance
Halogen’s MP5™ online chlorine analyzer set a new industry standard for continuous online water quality monitoring. The MP5™ is approved for NSF-61 use and measures five parameters simultaneously. By combining a pH analyzer, ORP analyzer, and conductivity analyzer, the unit is able to capture an accurate reading of chlorine residual Additionally, the self-cleaning bare-electrode amperometric technology in the MP5™ provides accurate and reliable measurements with near-zero downtime. There are no membranes to swap and no reagent to replace, and the MP5™ also maintains stable calibrations through changes in temperature or pH and is unaffected by flow or pressure. From intake to effluent, the MP5™ analyzer provides Online Water Quality Monitoring (OWQM) that you can count on to manage treatment processes, virtually remove downtime, maintain compliance, and improve operations.
"A recent comparison test by San Jose Water (SJW) demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the Halogen Systems MP5™ chlorine analyzer over to the Hach CLT10 in daily operations."
Count on Accuracy
The MP5™ is dependably accurate. A recent comparison test by San Jose Water (SJW) demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the MP5™ chlorine analyzer compared to the Hach CLT10 in daily operations. SJW initiated the OWQM trial due to shortcomings in the existing equipment. In particular, they sought to avoid the constant calibration and maintenance required and the chlorine residual deviation at low concentrations of the Hach CL10.
Both the Hach CLT10 and the Halogen Systems MP5™ were tested in the same 2.37MG potable water reservoir, and readings were compared to a grab sample taken with a Hach SL1000. The Hach CLT10 average reporting was only 87% accurate while the Halogen Systems MP5™ online chlorine analyzer average reporting was 93% accurate as compared to the SL1000 reporting.
"The Hach CLT10 average reporting was only 87% accurate while the Halogen Systems MP5™ average reporting was 93% accurate as compared to the SL1000 grab samples"
San Jose Water Test
Count On Stable Calibrations
The MP5™ maintains stable calibration thanks to a patented integration of three-electrode bare amperometry, proprietary SensiCLĚNE™ self-cleaning technology, and a special built-in pH analyzer . This combination allows the amperometric chlorine analyzer to maintain accuracy over a wide range of conditions and in any flow—even when there is no flow. The chlorine sensor arrives factory calibrated, stabilizes in minutes, and maintains that calibration for months in most drinking water applications. See more about the MP5™ calibration stability.
Count on Low Maintenance
The MP5™ chlorine analyzer requires very little maintenance. It uses no membranes or reagents, so the basic maintenance required by other chlorine analyzers (such as the ATi chlorine analyzer) simply isn’t needed. As the San Jose Water (SJW) pilot demonstrated, the MP5™ maintains calibration for long periods of time, also reducing the maintenance typically required by traditional chlorine analyzers.
"A recent comparison test by San Jose Water (SJW) demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the Halogen Systems MP5™ chlorine analyzer over to the Hach CLT10 in daily operations."
dependable Off-grid or Remote Online Water Quality Monitoring
The blend of accuracy, stability, and low maintenance that makes the MP5™ chlorine analyzer a good choice for Online Water Quality Monitoring also makes it excel at remote deployments that might otherwise stretch operating crews thin. The MP5™ is an excellent option for monitoring water towers or reservoirs, water main dead-ends or end-of-line sampling, water grid hot spots, or any other installation that demands precision, resiliency, and dependability. When combined with an optional power bank and cellular telemetry option, the MP5™ becomes the ultimate online-but-off-grid chlorine analyzer for truly remote OWQM deployments.
Beyond the Basics: Why the MP5™ Chlorine Analyzer Sets A New Standard for Online Water Quality Monitoring (OWQM)
NSF-61 Means No Required Waste Stream
Because the MP5™ is approved for NSF-61 installs, it can be deployed inside drinking water pipes or submerged in reservoir tanks without needing a waste stream, so no treated water gets wasted for testing. This is an important distinction that no other chlorine analyzer can claim. In fact, the MP5™ is the only chlorine analyzer that is approved for NSF-61 installations, an approval the MP5™ uses to great advantage. Since the MP5™ can be in a drinking water stream, Halogen can create unique installation types, like our retractable wet-tap insertion kit, our PVC Tee solution, and even our submersion option which allows a sensor to be suspended in a tank or trough at the specific strata desired by an operator. Even the connection cable is certified for NSF-61 use. The NSF-61 chlorine analyzer certification provides operators with an online water quality monitor that can measure at the source, not hundreds of feet away at a control board.
"The MP5™ is the only chlorine analyzer that is certified for NSF-61 installations"
Flow Independent online chlorine analyzer
The MP5™ uses a built-in impeller to create flow across the sensor package. This means that the chlorine analyzer can measure for chlorine residual in any flow, even no flow. A stagnant water-main dead end or non-circulating tank can still be tested for residuals (and 4 other parameters) when an MP5™ is employed. In fact, the MP5™ can maintain calibration even if the pipe is in a dry condition between hydrant flushings.
SensiCLĒNE™ Self-Cleaning Technology
Other bare-electrode amperometric sensors require constant maintenance to avoid build-up on the electrodes which would degrade accuracy—and destabilize calibrations. The MP5™ chlorine analyzer includes Halogen System’s proprietary SensiCLĒNE™ self-cleaning technology which uses the flow-generation impeller to agitate specially developed captive cleaning beads over the sensors, scrubbing the electrodes as well as the pH analyzer . SensiCLĒNE™ prevents film build-up, allowing the MP5™ to maintain stable calibrations for longer periods even in turbid conditions.
Measure More than Chlorine Residual
Water Quality Monitoring means monitoring more than just residual chlorine, and the MP5™ includes 4 additional parameters in the same sensor housing. The MP5™ incorporates (1) a Free Chlorine analyzer, (2) a pH analyzer, (3) a Temperature sensor, (4) a Conductivity analyzer, and (5) a RapidResponse ORP™analyzer. The combined data provides operators with insight into water quality.
Accuracy Combined With Toughness
The MP5™ chlorine analyzer sets a new standard for online water quality monitors in yet another way: it inherits the toughness designed into our ocean-going TRO Ballast Water sensors. When creating the MP5™, Halogen brought along the self-cleaning technology and robust build-quality of the Halogen Total Residual Oxidant sensor. So not only is the MP5™ accurate and stable, but it also brings resiliency and durability to an industry accustomed to fragile and finicky sensors.
"Tough enough for deployments in ocean-going cargo ships, accurate enough for mission-critical drinking water applications, the MP5™ sets a new standard for online water quality monitoring you can count on."
The Halogen MP5™Online Chlorine Analyzer: Online Water Quality Monitoring You Can Count On.
Tough enough for deployments in ocean-going cargo ships, accurate enough for mission-critical drinking water applications, the MP5™ sets a new standard for online water quality monitoring you can count on. The Halogen Systems MP5™ amperometric chlorine analyzer should be the first item on the list as you build an OWQM solution. We are happy to speak with you about how you can fashion a solution specific to your needs. Find out more on the MP5™ product pages or contact a representative.
Molte applicazioni traggono vantaggio da un analizzatore autopulente e a bassa manutenzione
La tecnologia di Halogen contribuisce a mantenere stabili le calibrazioni e a ridurre i requisiti di manutenzione. Questa combinazione rende l'MP5™ una buona opzione per le stazioni di monitoraggio che altrimenti richiederebbero continui spostamenti di personale per gli interventi dell'operatore. Se abbinato a opzioni di telemetria remota, l'MP5™ può costituire la base per soluzioni di monitoraggio IoT. Vedere di seguito alcuni esempi di applicazioni.

Sospeso direttamente nel serbatoio dell'acqua potabile, il sensore di cloro MP5™ è in grado di fornire informazioni tramite un'opzione di telemetria cellulare. Quando funziona con un kit di batterie opzionale, l'MP5™ è in grado di effettuare campionamenti a intervalli predefiniti e funziona per un mese senza alcun intervento di manutenzione.

I comuni che attualmente devono far rotolare un camion per sapere con certezza che le case alla fine della linea ricevono il PPM appropriato possono ridurre i costi e aumentare la precisione inserendo un MP5™ direttamente nel tubo dell'acqua del quartiere. I dati possono essere trasmessi tramite telemetria cellulare.

L'invecchiamento dell'acqua e altri problemi di degrado in una rete di distribuzione possono essere individuati installando gli analizzatori MP5™ nei punti desiderati del sistema. Gli operatori possono monitorare la temperatura, la conduttività, il pH e persino l'ORP, indipendentemente dalla portata o dalla pressione (fino a 10,5 bar), grazie alle opzioni di telemetria remota.

Per difendersi dalla legionella, le compagnie di crociera devono monitorare i livelli di cloro nei serbatoi di acqua dolce, evitare la contaminazione da parte dei fornitori di fonti e campionare i rubinetti. La tecnologia SensiCLĒNE™ e le opzioni di installazione flessibile dell'analizzatore MP5™ consentono agli operatori di creare soluzioni che funzionino in questo ambiente difficile.

Alcuni studi condotti nel Regno Unito indicano le autocisterne come fonte di contaminazione dell'acqua potabile delle compagnie aeree, ma il monitoraggio di queste unità di rifornimento mobili è un processo altamente manuale, che rende difficile la coerenza in un ambiente frettoloso. Autopulente, resistente e indipendente dal flusso, l'MP5™ può essere la base di una soluzione alla fonte.

Il recupero ambientale dell'acqua (EWR) è un tema molto sentito nelle aree che devono affrontare la scarsità d'acqua, ma i serbatoi di stoccaggio remoti possono anche diventare punti caldi per la crescita di ogni tipo di batterio. Grazie anche a SensiCLĒNE™, l'MP5™ non è influenzato dal flusso e dalla torbidità, il che lo rende una buona scelta per costruire un sistema di monitoraggio robusto e a bassa manutenzione.