- 정보 센터Halogen SensiCLĒNE™ MP5™는 안정적인 캘리브레이션과 낮은 유지보수를 최우선 요구 사항으로 삼고 개발되었습니다. 이를 위해...Real Talk about "Continuous Monitoring" Chlorine Analyzer claims Some manufacturers of online chlorine analyzers are making bold claims...
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- 제품Halogen SensiCLĒNE™ MP5™는 안정적인 캘리브레이션으로 제작되었으며..."연속 모니터링" 염소 분석기 주장에 대한 실제 이야기 일부 제조업체는 ...
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Halogen SensiCLĒNE™
The MP5™ was created with stable calibrations and low maintenance as priority requirements. To that end, Halogen designed a simple but highly effective self-cleaning system called SensiCLĒNE™.
SensiCLĒNE™ utilizes the flow created by the built-in impeller to cycle special polymer beads over the three-electrode sensor and pH probe. This action prevents build-up, greatly reducing the maintenance required. The MP5™ maintains stable calibration and will typically need only a quick wear-parts replacement annually.
SensiCLĒNE™ Lowers Maintenance
The MP5™ maintains stable calibrations and needs very little intervention from an operator. An annual refresh of the SensiCLĒNE™ wear parts is takes only a few minutes and minimal tools. Better yet, the calibration isn’t affected.
The wear-parts kit includes the screened sensor cap, two stainless screws, a replacement impeller blade, and fresh SensiCLĒNE™ polymer beads. The refreshed MP5™ can then be placed immediately back into service.
For more more information, see the SensiCLĒNE™ page.