Sensore di cloro TRO di Halogen Systems per sistemi di gestione dell'acqua di zavorra - Certificazioni e approvazioni - DNV-GL - IECEx - Registro coreano - Guardia costiera statunitense

Sensori in linea per applicazioni in acqua di mare, acqua salmastra e acqua dolce

Alcuni porti presentano quantità molto più elevate di solidi in sospensione e l'acqua può persino apparire "fangosa". Inoltre, quando i serbatoi di zavorra vengono svuotati, il limo che rimane sul fondo del serbatoio ha un effetto simile. Il nostro sensore riesce comunque a raggiungere un livello di TSS 40 volte superiore a quello richiesto. Altri metodi DPD tradizionali avrebbero un impatto negativo, con conseguenti letture imprecise. Per saperne di più, contattateci.

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Halogen presenta DryGlass

Halogen Systems Inc. rilascia la nuova tecnologia all'avanguardia DryGlass™ per il suo sensore di ossidanti totali residui. Questa tecnologia garantisce che il nostro sensore TRO non subisca danni in caso di stoccaggio a secco o di svuotamento del tubo di zavorra. Inoltre, il sensore si stabilizza in pochi minuti dopo un'asciugatura prolungata.

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Scarico di acqua di zavorra in porto - BWMS - Monitoraggio del cloro

Il nostro sensore TRO riceve l'omologazione DNV GL

Recently Halogen Systems Inc has gained more recognition and significant approvals on its Amperometric DPI (direct pipe insertion) TRO (total residual oxidant) sensor. They have just been awarded DNV GL type-approval on their ballast water management system (BWMS) sensor that measures TRO in ballast water for applications of 0.2 PSU salinity and higher. President of Halogen Systems, Michael Silveri, relays: “There is now a low maintenance alternative to DPD instruments

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DNV Evaluation Report on Halogen Systems Amperometric TRO Sensors

DNV Evaluation Report on Halogen Systems Amperometric TRO Sensors This just in… It is DNV GL’s opinion that the testing performed by HSI demonstrated that the amperometric TRO sensor by HSI may be applied by BWTS for measuring the TRO of the treated ballast water both during ballasting and deballasting operations. The HSI TRO sensor offers comparable performance to the online DPD-based TRO sensors currently applied by BWTS. You’ll find

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HSI® Receives DNV GL Type-Approval for Its TRO Sensor

Halogen Systems Inc. Receives DNV GL Type-Approval for Its TRO Sensor January 20, 2021 – Recently Halogen Systems Inc has gained more recognition and significant approvals on its Amperometric DPI (direct pipe insertion) TRO (total residual oxidant) sensor. They have just been awarded DNV GL type approval on their ballast water management system (BWMS) sensor that measures TRO in ballast water for applications of 0.2 PSU salinity and higher. President

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Streams Of Information

Streams of Information – Ballast Water TRO A small company develops a breakthrough sensor used in ships’ ballast-water treatment systems After developing chlorine and bromine generators for swimming pools in the late 1980s, Michael Silveri launched a small company in 1994 that created sensors for hot tubs and pools. His early modest success hardly foreshadowed his next undertaking: devising cutting-edge technology for a water-treatment sensor for ballast water maintenance systems. See

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