HSI® Receives DNV GL Type-Approval for Its TRO Sensor

Halogen Systems Inc. Receives DNV GL Type-Approval for Its TRO Sensor January 20, 2021 – Recently Halogen Systems Inc has gained more recognition and significant approvals on its Amperometric DPI (direct pipe insertion) TRO (total residual oxidant) sensor. They have just been awarded DNV GL type approval on their ballast water management system (BWMS) sensor that measures TRO in ballast water for applications of 0.2 PSU salinity and higher. President

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Streams Of Information

Streams of Information – Ballast Water TRO A small company develops a breakthrough sensor used in ships’ ballast-water treatment systems After developing chlorine and bromine generators for swimming pools in the late 1980s, Michael Silveri launched a small company in 1994 that created sensors for hot tubs and pools. His early modest success hardly foreshadowed his next undertaking: devising cutting-edge technology for a water-treatment sensor for ballast water maintenance systems. See

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Une autre homologation KR

Une autre approbation de type KR pour notre capteur TRO 5 avril 2017 - Halogen Systems, Inc. a terminé son test de performance KR et tous les essais environnementaux pour son capteur TRO pour eau de ballast IECEx/ATEX.

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SBIR Phase II Option 1

SBIR Phase II Option 1 & 2 for TRO Sensors December 23, 2016 – The US Government awarded Halogens Systems, Inc. $300K for Phase II Option 1 and 2 of an SBIR project for the measurement of high levels of Total Residual Oxidants

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Certificat ATEX et IECEx

Certificats ATEX et IECEx pour notre analyseur de chlore 22 décembre 2015 - Halogen Systems Inc. a reçu les certificats ATEX et IECEx pour l'utilisation dans les zones dangereuses. Notre capteur d'oxydant résiduel total est désormais classé pour une application gazeuse de zone 1, groupe IIb.

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